
Carter White has created and presented a variety of seminars/classes for yacht clubs, associations and boating enthusiast groups, including SailMaine, Portland Yacht Club, Bowdoin College and Gulf of Maine Ocean Racing Association.

Carter is comfortable presenting in front of any size audience, but typically no more than 50 works well for good Q&A and in-depth topic.

Here is a sample list of seminar topics that Carter has recently presented;

- Sail Trim for Cruising or Racing,

- Rig Tuning for One Design, Cruising or Racing,

- Sail Handling Systems,

- Racing Tactics,

- Racing Rules,

- Starting Techniques and Tips and

- Race Management

Often times he can do seminars at very low or no cost to you or your organization.

Fill out the form below to let Carter know what you need and he will set a time to meet either on a call, zoom or in person.

Seminar Submittal Request